PolyFormat specializes in solving streaming problems.
Today’s streaming technology is a complex maze of technologies with many competing standards and solutions. With the variety of streaming protocols, codecs, formats, and multiple interpretations of how to implement those, implementations are in practice often incompatible with each other.
This leaves you facing issues such as having a player with a problem displaying subtitles correctly, audio out of sync, playback hanging in the middle of a stream, or DRM-protected streams that are slow to start.
We are here to help you determine the reason for your streaming problems and offer you an on-the-fly stream transformation service.
With a decade of experience and interest in designing streaming solutions, we help you solve the technological puzzle and make your streams and players work together smoothly.
Our service takes the stream from your packaging system and adapts it on the fly for problematic players. You post your stream to our API, and you get a URL to the adjusted version which works for your player.
Contact us at info (at) polyformat.media for further information.